A downloadable game

Crowd control is a game about risk & play style exploration.

Up to four players spend a minute and a half converting as many crowd members to their colour. this is done by moving their wave with 4 directional keys.


The Mexican wave:

an effect resembling a moving wave produced by successive sections of the crowd in a stadium standing up, raising their arms, lowering them, and sitting down again. 

Four players each control an area where crowd members feel the need to party! These people somehow change the colour of their shirts, jump up, and cheer loud noises. Each time someone jumps while wearing your coloured shirt your score increases by one. The team with the highest  score wins.

You cannot  convert crowd members that have recently jumped (indicated by the colour fading over time). If you get cut off by other player's recent jumpers you have to navigate back to the last place you colour jumped and continue the wave another direction. 

Throughout the duration of the game players can find party people that are indicated by the small light green arrow above their heads. Party people send a shock wave of jumpers out in every direction but watch out as occasionally it might not be your colour of wave.

To change the AI to player ratio you can left click on a player while the game is paused to toggle the AI.


Press Space, Escape or Enter to start & pause game.
Press F1 to restart game.

Player Colour                      Movement Keys                     
RedW, A, S, D
YellowT, F, G, H
BlueI, J, K, L
GreenArrow Keys


CrowdControl.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download zip file
  2. Extract file
  3. Probably turn down your volume if in a public area
  4. Run .exe
  5. Have fun!


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Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 5 years ago

There is now a .exe you can download and run